Dating can be a minefield at the best of times, but when you're a queer woman, the stakes can feel even higher. In a world that's still largely heteronormative, finding someone who understands and respects your identity can be a challenge. But even when you do find someone who seems like a potential match, there are often red flags that can pop up along the way. To help navigate the treacherous waters of dating, we spoke to 12 queer women about their experiences and the biggest red flags they've encountered while dating.

You never want to ignore the warning signs when it comes to dating, especially if you're a queer woman. From controlling behavior to constant flakiness, these red flags can save you from heartache down the road. So, before you get too invested, check out this helpful guide on what to avoid in a potential partner. And if you need a break from all the drama, why not unwind with some of the best Mac porn games? Check them out here for a little bit of fun distraction.

Communication is Key

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One of the most common red flags that came up in our conversations was a lack of communication. Whether it's someone who takes forever to respond to messages or someone who doesn't seem interested in having meaningful conversations, communication (or lack thereof) can be a major warning sign. "If someone can't be bothered to have a conversation with me, it's a huge red flag," says Sarah, a 28-year-old lesbian from New York. "I want to be with someone who can communicate openly and honestly."

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Disrespecting Boundaries

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Another big red flag for many queer women is when someone doesn't respect their boundaries. Whether it's pushing for physical intimacy too soon or refusing to accept a partner's need for space, disrespecting boundaries can be a major turn-off. "I once went on a date with someone who wouldn't take no for an answer," says Maya, a 30-year-old bisexual woman from Los Angeles. "It was a huge red flag for me, and I knew I didn't want to see them again."


Inflexibility can also be a major red flag in a potential partner. Whether it's a refusal to compromise on plans or a refusal to consider someone else's perspective, inflexibility can be a sign of trouble ahead. "I once dated someone who was so set in their ways that they couldn't see things from my point of view," says Jess, a 25-year-old pansexual woman from Chicago. "It was a major red flag for me, and I knew it wouldn't work out in the long run."

Lack of Empathy

Empathy is an important quality in any relationship, and the lack of it can be a major red flag for many queer women. Whether it's someone who can't understand or validate their partner's feelings or someone who is dismissive of their struggles, a lack of empathy can be a deal-breaker. "I once dated someone who couldn't empathize with my experiences as a queer woman," says Taylor, a 27-year-old lesbian from San Francisco. "It was a major red flag for me, and I knew I couldn't be with someone who couldn't understand where I was coming from."


Gaslighting, or manipulating someone into doubting their own reality, is another major red flag that came up in our conversations. Whether it's someone who tries to make their partner feel crazy or someone who constantly undermines their confidence, gaslighting can be a toxic behavior that should not be ignored. "I dated someone who constantly tried to make me doubt my own feelings and experiences," says Alex, a 29-year-old bisexual woman from Seattle. "It was a huge red flag, and I knew I had to get out of that relationship as soon as possible."

Lack of Accountability

A lack of accountability is another red flag that can spell trouble in a relationship. Whether it's someone who refuses to take responsibility for their actions or someone who constantly blames their partner for everything, a lack of accountability can be a major warning sign. "I once dated someone who could never admit when they were wrong," says Jamie, a 26-year-old queer woman from Portland. "It was a major red flag for me, and I knew I couldn't be with someone who couldn't take responsibility for their actions."

Insecurity and Jealousy

Insecurity and jealousy are also common red flags that can pop up in relationships. Whether it's someone who is constantly questioning their partner's fidelity or someone who is overly possessive, insecurity and jealousy can be major warning signs. "I once dated someone who was so insecure that they couldn't handle me having any kind of relationship with anyone else," says Riley, a 31-year-old lesbian from Austin. "It was a huge red flag for me, and I knew I couldn't be with someone who was so possessive."

Lack of Support

Support is an important aspect of any healthy relationship, and the lack of it can be a major red flag for many queer women. Whether it's someone who doesn't support their partner's goals and ambitions or someone who is unsupportive of their identity, a lack of support can be a deal-breaker. "I once dated someone who couldn't support me in my career goals," says Erin, a 24-year-old bisexual woman from Denver. "It was a major red flag for me, and I knew I couldn't be with someone who didn't believe in me."


Closed-mindedness is another red flag that can be a major turn-off for queer women. Whether it's someone who refuses to learn about their partner's identity or someone who is resistant to trying new things, closed-mindedness can be a sign of trouble ahead. "I once dated someone who couldn't accept that I was queer," says Sam, a 29-year-old pansexual woman from Houston. "It was a major red flag for me, and I knew I couldn't be with someone who couldn't embrace my identity."

Sexual Compatibility

Sexual compatibility is an important aspect of any relationship, and the lack of it can be a major red flag for many queer women. Whether it's someone who is unwilling to explore their partner's desires or someone who is dismissive of their needs, sexual incompatibility can be a deal-breaker. "I once dated someone who couldn't meet my needs in the bedroom," says Casey, a 30-year-old lesbian from Miami. "It was a major red flag for me, and I knew I couldn't be with someone who wasn't willing to work on our sexual compatibility."

Financial Irresponsibility

Financial irresponsibility is another red flag that can cause problems in a relationship. Whether it's someone who is constantly overspending or someone who refuses to contribute their fair share, financial irresponsibility can be a major warning sign. "I once dated someone who couldn't manage their money and expected me to pick up the slack," says Ashley, a 28-year-old bisexual woman from Atlanta. "It was a major red flag for me, and I knew I couldn't be with someone who wasn't financially responsible."

In Conclusion

Dating as a queer woman can be challenging, but being aware of potential red flags can help navigate the complexities of relationships. Whether it's a lack of communication, disrespecting boundaries, or any of the other red flags mentioned above, it's important to trust your instincts and prioritize your own well-being. By being mindful of these warning signs, you can be better equipped to find a healthy and fulfilling relationship.