The recent amendments to the UK law on porn have sparked controversy and debate among the public, with many arguing that these changes are inherently sexist. The amendments, which were introduced as part of the Digital Economy Act 2017, require pornographic websites to implement strict age verification processes in order to access adult content. While the intention behind these amendments is to protect children from exposure to harmful material, many believe that the measures unfairly target and stigmatize women and perpetuate harmful stereotypes about sexuality and gender.

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The Impact on Women in the Adult Entertainment Industry

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One of the key criticisms of the amendments is the disproportionate impact they have on women working in the adult entertainment industry. The new age verification requirements place an additional burden on performers, who are already subject to stringent regulations and discrimination. The measures also fail to address the underlying issues of exploitation and lack of agency that many women in the industry face, instead focusing on restricting access to their work.

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Moreover, the amendments reinforce the idea that women in the adult entertainment industry are inherently vulnerable and in need of protection, rather than recognizing them as empowered individuals with agency over their own bodies and sexual expression. This perpetuates harmful stereotypes and contributes to the marginalization of women in the industry.

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The Stigmatization of Female Sexuality

The amendments also contribute to the stigmatization of female sexuality and the perpetuation of double standards when it comes to sexual content. While the measures target pornographic websites, they do not address the prevalence of sexualized content in other forms of media, such as advertising and mainstream entertainment. This selective targeting reinforces the idea that female sexuality is inherently shameful and in need of regulation, while male sexuality is accepted and normalized.

Furthermore, the amendments fail to consider the diverse ways in which women engage with and consume adult content. By assuming that all women are passive consumers of pornographic material and in need of protection, the measures overlook the agency and autonomy of women in their sexual expression. This further reinforces the idea that female sexuality is inherently vulnerable and in need of external regulation, rather than recognizing it as a natural and valid aspect of human experience.

The Need for Inclusive and Empowering Legislation

In light of these criticisms, it is clear that the amendments to the UK law on porn are inherently sexist and fail to address the complex issues surrounding sexuality and gender. Instead of targeting and stigmatizing women in the adult entertainment industry, the focus should be on creating inclusive and empowering legislation that recognizes the agency and autonomy of all individuals in their sexual expression.

This includes addressing the underlying issues of exploitation and lack of agency that many women in the industry face, as well as challenging harmful stereotypes and double standards when it comes to female sexuality. By creating legislation that is inclusive and empowering, we can work towards a society that respects and values the diverse ways in which individuals engage with and express their sexuality.


The recent amendments to the UK law on porn have sparked important conversations about the representation and regulation of sexuality in society. While the intention behind the measures is to protect children from harmful material, the amendments have been criticized for their inherently sexist impact on women in the adult entertainment industry and the stigmatization of female sexuality.

It is essential that we challenge these harmful stereotypes and work towards creating legislation that is inclusive and empowering for all individuals. By recognizing the agency and autonomy of individuals in their sexual expression, we can create a society that values and respects diverse forms of sexuality.